Every abstract that's submitted for consideration at the (ICPM-25) will not be considered if the names and addressed of the authors' aren't specified. Authors are accordingly requested to plainly confirm their preference for an oral and/or poster presentation on the (ICPM-25) abstract submission form. Those abstracts that are submitted for either oral or poster presentation but aren't approved or selected for oral communication might be transferred to poster sessions. Every decision of the (ICPM-25) Editorial Board is conclusive and binding. Every accepted abstract and the author index will be published as part of the (ICPM-25) proceedings. Every abstract will be inspected and scored, then accepted for presentation or refused entirely. Patience is requested of all authors and co-authors during this processing period. Authors and co-authors are also urged to wait patiently to receive an email from the (ICPM-25) Editorial Board notifying them of either the approval or rejection of their submitted abstracts.
Full Papers
By having their research papers published in a respected, high-impact publication in the field of Psychology and Music, the (ICPM-25) gives participants the possibility to acquire some international visibility for themselves and for their ground-breaking research work.